United Kingdom – POINTS OF INTEREST – Regions – Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

The capital of Northern Ireland, and also the largest city by far is Belfast but you should not miss towns like Londonderry, Portrush (Rules) or Bangor either.

Though these two cities are really worth visiting, most tourists come for the landscape an for nature. Ireland has some of the largest unspoiled areas of natural environment in Europe. The best way to get to know the country is by hiking or on horseback. Eighty miles of rugged Antrim Coastline is quite a walk, but you definitely want to see the Giant’s Causeway, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Also quite beautiful is Fermanagh Lakeland and St. Patrick’s country. And for some real outdoors adventure try to go to the Mountains of Mourne or the Glenelly and Clogher Valleys.

Visitors to Norhern Ireland should not miss a trip to Armagh, the spiritual capital of Ireland, for both Protestants and Catholics.  The dual hilltop Cathedrals in Armagh City are quite breathtaking.  Armagh was once plagued by sectarian violence during the times of “the troubles”, but since the Good Friday Agreement, it is once again peaceful.  Travelers are most definitely safe, and Americans are particularly welcomed.

The people of Northern Ireland are quite friendly and laid back, unlike some of their more “uppity” European counterparts.  Americans will find that the people in Northern Ireland hold particular fondness for America, even if they don’t always agree with American leaders or foreign policies.

Northern Ireland is a favorite destination for active holidays. There’s both rugged country and glowing hills, deep forests, big lakes and of course the sea. Here you can angling and game fishing, but Ireland’s also a great destination if you want to go golfing, horseback riding or camping.