MERCOSUR joint communiqué condemning usurpation of powers of Venezuela’s National Assembly

Argentina - Floridas News originally published at Argentina - Floridas News

Friday, 18 August 2017
Information for the Press N°: 

The founding members of MERCOSUR condemn the constituent assembly’s decision to usurp the powers of Venezuela’s National Assembly, which was democratically elected by the majority of Venezuelans and is the sole and exclusive holder of the Legislative Power in the country.

This measure restricts institutional coexistence in Venezuela even more and exacerbates conflict, away from the necessary restoration of democracy.

The founding members of MERCOSUR do not recognize this measure or any other measure adopted by the constituent assembly, which was called with disregard for Venezuela’s constitutional order.

Press release No. 340/17
Press Office: 4819-7375 / 8296 / 7388

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Argentina - Floridas News originally published at Argentina - Floridas News