2 Dollar Bowl of Guilin Rice Noodles in Worlds MOST Beautiful Scenery

2 Dollar Bowl of Guilin Rice Noodles in Worlds MOST Beautiful Scenery

Germany - Amsterdam Aesthetics originally published at Germany - Amsterdam Aesthetics

This time I went to Guilin Yangshuo to try the local Food. I hope you not just enjoy the traditional Bowl of rice noodles I am going to show, but also the beautiful scenery of Yangshuo. Star-wars also shoot some scenes here. 希望·你们可以好好的享受。我超级无敌喜欢阳朔。也超级无敌喜欢桂林米粉。一起吃起来吧

Originally published at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcMzX3IlH80

The post 2 Dollar Bowl of Guilin Rice Noodles in Worlds MOST Beautiful Scenery first appeared on Amsterdam Aesthetics.

Germany - Amsterdam Aesthetics originally published at Germany - Amsterdam Aesthetics