WARPSPACE and OrbitsEdge Signed Mutual Letter of Intent for More Efficient Space Data Utilization

WARPSPACE and OrbitsEdge Signed Mutual Letter of Intent for More Efficient Space Data Utilization

France - Amsterdam Aesthetics originally published at France - Amsterdam Aesthetics

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WARPSPACE and OrbitsEdge signed a mutual Letter of Intent

TSUKUBA SCIENCE CITY, IBARAKI, JAPAN, May 31, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — WARPSPACE and OrbitsEdge signed a mutual Letter of Intent that shows both parties are interested in exploring the opportunities for collaboration in pursuit of our shared goal which is to be enablers of the space big data combination of optical communication and edge-computing technology. WARPSPACE is an optical inter-satellite data relay service provider and OrbitsEdge is dedicated to providing the infrastructure required for COTS data center grade compute hardware and software to survive the space environment. This will facilitate ‘complex operations’ such as autonomy, assembly, maintenance, manufacturing, and other functions that are currently not practical in the space environment. It will also enable Earth observation analytics above the transport layer.

Richard Ward, CTO of OrbitsEdge, says, “The bandwidth WARPSPACE provides ties in very well with on orbit computation and high levels of storage. OrbitsEdge facilitates analysis above the transport layer and improves the overall quality of the data that is sent down to Earth. ”

Akihiro Nagata, CTO of WARPSPACE, says, “We are excited to explore the potential synergy with OrbitsEdge toward a shared goal. WARPSPACE will accelerate the Earth observation industry building a real time and low-latency communication network with optical link so I believe that edge-computing technology will enhance our capability.”

About OrbitsEdge:

OrbitsEdge was established in 2019 to bring high powered Edge compute to the space environment. We deliver high-performance computing micro datacenters to orbit, which to process and analyze the vast amounts of data being created in space.

Our cornerstone infrastructure solution will substantially increase computing power in space and reduce the bottlenecks of space data on Earth.

Website: https://orbitsedge.com/

About “SatFrame”

The OrbitsEdge “SatFrame” is the world’s first platform to allow significant high powered compute to operate in the space environment in a mostly unmodified manner. By integrating a radiation shielding and thermal management solution into our SatFrame, we allow Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) compute hardware to survive the space environment.

The complexity of space operations and hardware is increasing and the complexity of the supporting compute and communications infrastructure will have to increase as well.


WARPSPACE is a spacetech startup, located in Tsukuba, developing an optical inter-satellite data relay service in medium Earth orbit called “WarpHub InterSat”. The target customers are Earth observation satellite operators that need to quickly move large volumes of data from space to the ground at the very time when they need their data. Bringing in both heritages from JAXA and OICETS project and supply chain innovations in NewSpace, WARPSPACE aims to become the world’s first private company to provide an optical communication network in space.

About “WarpHub InterSat”

“WarpHub InterSat” is the world’s first optical inter-satellite communication relay network service consisting of three small satellites. WARPSPACE aims to contribute to realizing a more sustainable global society building an optical inter-satellite data relay network. While the number of satellites is exponentially increasing in Low Earth Orbit (LEO:500~800 km), the conventional communication infrastructure is not sufficient. “WarpHub InterSat” enables the LEO satellites to constantly communicate with the ground stations with a high-speed optical link in near real-time.

Ryota Takahashi
+81 29-856-8128
[email protected]
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France - Amsterdam Aesthetics originally published at France - Amsterdam Aesthetics