El Salvador – GENERAL INFORMATION – Facts and Figures

        noun: Salvadoran(s)

        total: 21,040 sq km         water: 320 sq km         land: 20,720 sq km

Population: 6,704,932 (July 2005 est.)

Ethnic groups 

        mestizo 90%        white 9%        Amerindian 1%

Capital:  San Salvador (620 000)

Largest Cities
        Santa Ana  (210 000)

        San  Miguel (190 000)         Chalatenango

Official Language

        Nahua (among some Amerindians)

        Roman Catholic 83%

        other 17%

Note: there is extensive activity by Protestant groups throughout the country; by the end of 1992, there were an estimated 1 million Protestant

evangelicals in El Salvador

Political system:  Republic

GDP:    purchasing power parity – $32.35 billion (2004 est.)

GDP per head:  purchasing power parity – $4,900 (2004 est.)

GDP – composition by sector
        agriculture: 9.2%

        industry: 31.1%         services: 59.7% (2004 est.) 

Annual growth:
 1.8% (2004 est.)  

 5.4% (2004 est.)