
About hotelsIt is a bit strange, but if you want to travel around a bit in Cyprus, it might be difficult to find a cheap hotel sometimes. There are of course many hotels but very often outside the city center at the beach side: and then it is a little bit as everywhere worldwide on the beaches, that means one big hotel close to the next. If you want to stay in center and/or old part of the cities, you will find out there are four cathegories of hotels.

– City Hotels, quite expensive, int. standarts, about 50-100$ double room B&B – Hotel/Apartments, here you can rent a small flat, sometimes two or more rooms, often wich kitchen. You can stay here sometimes even with 4 or more persons together (if you travel with friends for example). You should find one for about 40-50$ per flat. – Small Hotels, hard to find, B&B for travellers, about 30$ double room

– Guest House, lowest cathegory, less comfort but quite clean, often used by arabic workers staying on Cyprus, no shower inside the rooms (might be difficult for single travelling women!), about 18$ double room.