Why do Havana’s taxi drivers earn more than doctors? | Divided Cities

Why do Havana’s taxi drivers earn more than doctors? | Divided Cities
Why do Havana’s taxi drivers earn more than doctors? | Divided Cities

Cuba’s strange dual system means that public sector workers and those in private enterprise are paid in different currencies. Laura, a GP, earns Cuban pesos, whereas Rogelio, who was a doctor, now makes more in an hour as a taxi driver than he used to in a month because he is paid in ‘convertible pesos’, which are worth 24 times more. As doctors and teachers struggle to buy basic goods, is it time for change?
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Video originally published at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmFiXhvHIxA

Originally published at https://citynewsmiami.com/index.php/2022/05/11/why-do-havanas-taxi-drivers-earn-more-than-doctors-divided-cities/

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