Cooperation meeting between COPLA and Chilean Continental Shelf Unit

Argentina - Floridas News originally published at Argentina - Floridas News

Thursday, 25 August 2016
Information for the Press N°: 

On 22 and 23 August, a Cooperation Meeting was held at the Palacio San Martín between the National Commission on the Outer Limit of the Argentine Continental Shelf (COPLA) and the Chilean Continental Shelf Unit, in the context of the bilateral agenda between both countries.

The meeting was chaired by the Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador Carlos Foradori, together with the Undersecretary for the Malvinas Islands, Antarctica and the South Atlantic, Ambassador María Teresa Kralikas, and the General Coordinator of the National Commission on the Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf (COPLA), Frida María Armas Pfirter. The delegation from the Republic of Chile was led by Carlos Dettleff, Coordinator of the Chilean Continental Shelf Unit, Directorate of Borders and Boundaries.

The work agenda was aimed at sharing information on the history of steps taken to materialize a State policy on such an important matter for Argentina as the demarcation of the outer limit of its continental shelf. This exchange process on knowledge in the field, not only as regards procedural and experience issues, but also in terms of scientific, technical and legal contributions, has been very enriching for both countries.

At the close of the meetings, the Deputy Foreign Minister and President of COPLA, Ambassador Carlos Foradori, reaffirmed the strong commitment assumed by the Argentine Republic to use all of the experience gained throughout the years of preparation for the demarcation of its continental shelf to cooperate with countries undertaking the same endeavour. The outer limit of the continental shelf is the border of each of our countries with the Area—common heritage of mankind; a boundary that unites us. Thus, Argentina looks forward to making its experience available to other countries.

Press release No. 279/16.
Press Office: 4819-7375 / 8296 / 7388

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Argentina - Floridas News originally published at Argentina - Floridas News